Denon DL103 Moving Coil Phono Cartridge
Denon DL-103 Moving Coil Phono Cartridge
Denon has had a history of making some fantastic turntable cartridges that have been in the recommended lists of HiFi enthusiasts and magazines for over 50 years. The DL103 is a Moving Coil cartridge that delivers a fantastic, warm and textured sound that is neutral and with good frequency extension at either end of the audio spectrum and has an especially sweet and warm mid range.
The DL 103 phono cartridge is arguably the only moving coil cartridge that has withstood the test of time. The legendary DL 103 moving coil phono cartridge was introduced in 1963, which became one of the longest running products in audio history.
The DL 103, still used by broadcasters and audiophiles, spawned the development of outstanding MC cartridges that continue to be an indispensable component for music lovers, audiophiles, recording studios, sound professionals and musicians today.
Developed in collaboration with the Japan Broadcasting Corporation Technical Research
Laboratories as a high performance, high reliability phono cartridge for broadcasting purposes, the Denon DL 103 has been in continuous production since 1963.
While other "wonder" cartridges have come and gone, the Denon DL 103 continues to thrive by offering musical rightness. There is no other cartridge that comes close to its legacy.
For a long time the Denon DL 103 phono cartridge has been in use in public and commercial AM and FM broadcasting stations and has been in constant production for nearly 60 years It was used by EMI and Decca as their reference for evaluating LP sound quality. It's been evaluated, reviewed and praised by many publications and end users.
Along the way, it has captured the hearts and minds of technical experts, audiophiles and music lovers. It's a testament that greatness endures.
This is what comes with your ownership of a Denon DL 103. It is a phono cartridge that you will enjoy for a very long time.
Denon's classic cartridge, the DL-103, has been an industry standard for decades. Providing smooth response in many Hi-Fi systems, the DL-103 gives a pleasing sound and brings out the full detail of audio performances.
Output: 0.3 mV
Output Impedance: 40 ohms
Stylus: 16.5 Micron round tip
Frequency range: 20 Hz to 45 kHz
Tracking force: 2.3~2.7g
Compliance: 5 x 10-6 cm/dyne
Weight: 8.5g
Made in Japan